Videos and QR Codes in the Library


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YouTube - I find myself on YouTube daily.  It's filled with amazing tutorials, and I'm always able to find an answer to any of my questions.  Like blogs, they are easy to subscribe to, and many YouTubers fill their channel with helpful information and ideas.  For this post, I have linked several channels that are worth taking a look at. Linked are two videos from each channel that I believe to be most helpful to students and videos that students would enjoy best. 

TheUnquietLibrary - this channel is filled with so many helpful how-to videos. It was hard to choose one that was the most helpful.  
  • EasyBib - I made a playlist from The Unquiet Library on mini-lesson that helps students on citing sources through EasyBib.
  • New Arrivals - I think students will enjoy videos of new arrivals.  This can be a quick and easy way to promote new books in the library! 
  • AP Course Description - For this channel, I am linking one example of a video that I think students would find helpful.  Several videos highlight different courses and a quick description of the learning that will take place in that class. 
  • Student Responses  - Love these!  The librarian asks a question, and students respond!  Students would enjoy seeing their friends on the announcements...and the librarian, teachers, admin, etc., can gain some great insight from students! 
  • Media Orientation - BBMS has a couple orientation videos.  Students would find these helpful as either a refresher or if they are new to the school, they can watch the orientation. 
  • Overdue Library Book Parody - so many of these fun parodies are on this channel.  I think students would enjoy these because they are quick and catchy ways to remember to bring back their library books!
Animoto is a new resource for me!  I love sharing book trailers with teachers and students, so I am excited to try it out and make a trailer for myself!  I started by downloading the free educator's account, uploading some photos free of copyright, and then just played around with each block!  It was fun and easy to work with and a great way to promote some books!

QR Codes are quick and easy ways for students to access information, forms, votes, book trailers, etc., from the library.  I have students scan a QR code that takes them to a form to request books and materials for the library.  I also have a QR code posted on my Let's Stick Together board.  Students can take a guess at what the final image is going to be!  I take the first 5 correct answers, and those students win a prize. For this blog post, I went ahead and attached a QR code to the book trailer I just made.  I could take this slide and put it on the TVs throughout the school, and the students could scan to the code for more on Golden Arm by Chris Deuker!


  1. Hi Crystal,

    I love how you are already creating book trailers to share with your students. I like how you share it throughout your campus and your students have the option to watch it from their phones.

    -Lorina Ramirez


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