
Showing posts from May, 2021

Final Reflections of LSSL 5391

I definitely had some reservations about this course.  Technology is not my strength yet, but I know this is the direction that Library Media Services is going. This course went at the perfect pace and provided the information that I needed to be successful in learning the tools and the confidence that I needed to share amazing web applications with teachers and students. I'm so thankful for the knowledge that I gained from completing this course!  Please take a moment to read my book, Reflections of a Future Ready Librarian . Reflections of a Future Ready Librarian  by Crystal McCord Because there was so much valuable information posted throughout the course, I created my first Wakelet to house all of the articles, webapps, and notes. Check out my Wakelet here ! 

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning is all about teachers meeting curriculum goals for each student, regardless of how diverse the group is.  Each person learns uniquely; therefore, the curriculum needs to be designed to meet their uniqueness.  As teachers and librarians, we need to provide unique learning opportunities for each student and provide them with various ways to represent their learning.  Principle I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation      Guideline 1: Provide options for perception Something I am doing with my students now: Checkpoint 1.1 – Offer ways of customizing the display of information Checkpoint 1.3 - Offer alternatives for visual information  Something I can implement right away: Checkpoint 1.2 - Offer alternatives for auditory information       Guideline 2: Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols Something I am doing with my students now: Checkpoint 2.1 - Clarify vocabulary and sym...